ahead of him, think if what you are saying is
right. Can there be two persons equal in this
world? Is it really possible that the one whom
you are calling a stupid can become like the
other who is standing ahead of him? Has it
ever been possible? Everyone is just as he is;
there can be no question of any comparison.
As long as we continue to compare one man
with the other we will always remain on the
wrong path.We are creating a desire in man to
be like someone else; and the fact is that no
one has been or can be like any other man.
If great teachers go and explain to the
flowers in a garden that the jasmine flower
should be like the rose, which is very beautiful.
If the flowers listen to such talks, what will
happen to the garden where the jasmine tries
to become a rose? In that garden flowers will
not grow, all the plants will become withered.
Why? -- because however much the jasmine
tries to become a rose, it cannot. It is not its
nature. In its effort to become a rose, the
jasmine will not even become a jasmine, which
it was destined to be.
This has been the great misfortune of man.
The greatest misfortune or curse for man
has been that he is desiring to become like
someone else. Who is teaching this? Who has
set up this conspiracy? It is only our education
for thousands of years that is responsible.The
teacher wants you to become like anyone else,
but never to make the mistake of becoming
your own self, because you are useless. It was
the other person who was born for a purpose:
is it then that God has made a mistake in
creating you?
Every person has his own individuality. It is
a matter of great pride that you are different
from others. There is nothing higher or lower;
everyone simply is. Everyone is in his own
space; therefore all types of valuations are
We should think and reflect deeply on what
we are teaching our children.I do not say that
whatsoever I have said is right and the truth.I
have only conveyed to you my viewpoint. It
may be wrong. I only ask you to think on these
Let there be no competition among children,
being first or last is not a matter of respect
or insult.Develop love and joy towards life,
not competition and rivalry. There has to be
no comparison of one person with the other.
It is possible to develop a new and marvellous
world full of absolute fragrance.