University of New Mexico
During the past few months UNM CKI has participated in a variety of service projects . We have worked with both preferred charities and other groups within our community . One such project was to benefit an organization called Little Dresses for Africa , with whom the Southwest District has worked with previously at Fall Rally . The event we conducted was both a Key Club social and a service project . During the project we transformed pillowcases into dresses that will be sent to little girls in need . It may seem strange to turn a pillowcase into an item of clothing , but it was surprisingly simple- no exceptional sewing skills needed ! The trick was to undo a hem here , snip some fabric there , and of course add pretty details . Little Dresses for Africa is a non-profit that collects the dresses sewn ( and britches for boys !) and sends them to towns in Africa , as well as other places in crisis . By doing this they aim to inspire home within the younger generations . The donated clothing gives Little Dresses for Africa the opportunity to travel to low-income towns and teach children about proper nutrition , hygiene and family skills . This is especially important in many regions in Africa , where the AIDs virus is prominent and many young children are left to take care of themselves . The clothing sent gives children a sense of aspiration , and the teachings provide them with knowledge that will serve them throughout their lives . We were able to change perspectives halfway across the globe while taking part in a fun-filled sewing party . This project allowed us to impact people beyond our normal locality ; it helped to expand UNM CKI ’ s reach to the global community , which is a great felling for all of us !
- Lydia Kifner UNM CKI Bulletin Editor / Secretary