Member Shout Out :
Have something to say about CKI ? Have you answered a question on the Southwest Sun Facebook page ? This is your shout out area ! To submit something to the Member Shout Out section please post or send a message to the Southwest Sun ’ s Facebook page !
Shout out to :
Kelsey Vishaway Have a blast at LSSP ! -UNM
Secretary Update
As of May 1st , 2013 the Southwest District has completed over 700 service hours ! That ’ s amazing considering that it only includes two months of service completed by the clubs in the district . The University of New Mexico is currently leading in service hours with a total of 258 hours . Of course , that can all change on a month-to-month basis .
It ’ s important to keep track of your club ’ s service hours and have your secretary send in an accurate report each month for a few reasons . First , the international board likes to see how many service hours we complete as a district each month . It allows them to see how each district is performing relative to the others and how much service we actually do . Second , it allows us to stay connected as a district . Sharing with each other about the service we have completed and the upcoming projects we have is a great way to come together as a district . Last , keeping track of how many service hours we have completed allows us to achieve goals and commend ourselves for our hard work within the community . This year , the District Board hopes to complete 7,500 hours of service as a district . When your secretary sends in a monthly report of hours , it makes it easier to track our progress . It also makes it easier to celebrate the amazing amounts of service we complete as a district , which is really something to be proud of . So make sure to help your secretary with recording service hours each month and keep on serving , Southwest !
-Alexandrea Martinez
Alex Martinez and Andrew Lee Have fun at Icon representing the SWD ! -SWD Board Members
What is Leadership Academy ?
CKI Leadership Academy is an investment in the members of CKI . The six-day event is intense and focuses on the E6 Framework created by Brendon Burchard , author of the Student Leadership Guide . Facilitators walk students through the steps to envision , enlist , embody , empower , evaluate , and encourage . Students learn that true leadership is based on servant leadership , which requires leaders to put the needs of others first , and to realize that no matter whether or not you have a title , there is always a need for service to one another and to the world . This program takes members of CKI through an adventure , starting with the CKI amazing race and ending with a plan in place to serve . The most unique part of the program — and what sets it apart from others — is that students and facilitators have an opportunity to do a service project during the program . For more information : click here
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