The South Barrow Bulletin 2014 12/01/2014

The South Barrow Bulletin The Newsletter of the Parish of St. Aidan and the Parish of St. George with St. Luke and St. Perran A warm welcome to today’s worship at St. Perran’s, St. Aidan’s and St. George’s This morning we begin a new sermon series ‘TEN - The Ten Today’ Commandments Today’. Over the next few weeks we will explore God’s timeless principles and values that provide a window on life as it should be - life as it could be where respect for God and for other people determines everything we do. As a church family we seek to know Jesus better, to make Him better known and to encourage one another in Christian faith and life - for more details about Sunday and mid-week activities, please pick up the Spring Talk, 2013 Programme Card and the current Church magazine, Team Talk from the back of all Team churches. NEXT SUNDAY - 19th JANUARY Perran’ 10.30am - St. Perran’s - Team Holy Communion Sermon by Revd. Richard Teal, Chair of Cumbria Methodist District AIDAN’ PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE NO SERVICES AT ST. AIDAN’S OR GEORGE’ ST. GEORGE’S.