The Source Arts Centre Programme of Events Summer 2020 Source Arts Centre Programme Summer 2020_Med Res | Page 6
Summer 2020
Wednesday 01 april
On a remote hillside, a rag-tag bunch of young
people play football, blindfolded.
Visited by ‘The Messenger’, it slowly becomes
clear that this isolated group are actually child
soldiers – a guerrilla group, whose main job is
to guard a prisoner – a kidnapped American. In
a new task brought to them, the group is now
required to take care of a cow, which will supply
them with milk. When ‘The Messenger’
eventually leaves, the dynamic of the group
begins to appear – one of shifting factions and
loyalties, dubious past-times and a feral
aggression that could pull them asunder.
With ‘The Lord Of The Flies’ as its template, the
audience is plunged headfirst into an immersive
world of war and adolescence. Brilliantly played
by a youthful ensemble cast, it is alternately
sensuous and scary, thrilling and appalling, with
a dark heart of horror at its core.
‘Landes’s story of teenage guerrillas
descending into anarchy is a hypnotic triumph’
– The Guardian
Dir. AlEjAnDro lAnDES, ColuMBiA uSA, 2019,
103 Min
TiME: 8 pM priCE: €9/5
‘The Cut of Them’: Mick O’Dea
until Saturday 18th april 2020
Clare-born Artist Mick O’Dea exhibits a selection of paintings on The War of
Independence. (See article on Pages 8-9)
GAllEry TiMES: Mon To Fri 10AM - 5pM SAT 2pM - 5pM
The Source Arts Centre