The Source Arts Centre Programme of Events Summer 2020 Source Arts Centre Programme Summer 2020_Med Res | Page 18
Summer 2020
Regina Doyle,
Silent-Film Starlet:
The Untold, True and Tragic Story
Wednesday 03 June
Imagine you discover your grandmother was a
movie star. You would want to know more, of
course, but your mother knows little or nothing
since she was a very young child when her
mother passed. What do you do? You do what
the Brown family did.
The Brown family, three brothers applied
themselves to the task of finding out about this
through searching the internet's geneaology
sites, researched every film repository they
could, visited film museums and contacted
every expert they could find in order to restore
this golden leaf in their family tree.
Members of the Brown family will be on hand
to share how they "discovered" Regina. Her first
film, ‘Bashful Whirlwind’ (1925) will be screened
and we’ll also find out about the Tipperary
TiME 7.30pM priCE: FrEE
The Source Arts Centre
Parallel Editions
June 05 – June 27
A collection of works from Parallel Editions, an
independent, commercial Fine Art Print
Publishing house based in Limerick.
Through a collaborative approach to making,
they produce, high quality multiples, primarily
but not limited to, works on paper, from the
traditional to digital and also reflecting trends
in contemporary artistic practice. Artists
featured in the exhibition at The Source include
Alice Maher, Michael Canning, Robert Ryan,
Janet Mullarney and Niamh McCann.
GAllEry TiMES:
Mon To Fri 10AM - 5pM
SAT 2pM - 5pM