The Source Arts Centre Programme of Events Spring 2020 The Source Arts Centre Programme SPRING 2020 | Page 7
Moon Woke Me Up
friday 17 January
Marianne and Leonard:
Words Of Love
Wednesday 15 January
She was Norwegian, he was from Canada.
Marianne Ihlen and Leonard Cohen’s
relationship began on the Greek Island of Hydra
in 1960 and endured in various forms up to
their deaths in 2016 which were separated by
just three months. In Greece Cohen was still a
poet at the time, having not yet made the
transition to recording his writings as songs.
The bohemian lifestyle shared by the artistic
community on Hydra was the perfect
environment for his work to flourish.
Featuring wonderful archival footage, the film
follows their relationship from its beginnings on
the island, an innocent time of ‘free love’ and
open marriage, to its collapse under the weight
of Leonard’s growing celebrity status.
dir. nick BrOOMFiEld, uSa, 2019, 102 Min
TiME: 8 pM pricE: €9/5
Moon Woke Me Up Nine times
It was still 4am
So I built a rocket with my friends
And went on a journey that never ends
You are invited to come and build a rocket that
will BLAST OFF and take us on a magical
adventure. Once inside their homemade rocket
children are treated to a magical shadow show
as they journey to the moon! Come with us all
the way, up there, into outer space!
I wonder if it smells of cheese? I wonder if it will
make me sneeze? Let’s find out!
Inspired by a Haiku of the same title by Basho
Matsuo, Moon Woke Me Up is an interactive
theatrical adventure into space for ages 3-5,
using a wonderful blend of performance and
interactive drama, construction play and
sensory explorations
TiME: 10.30 aM and 12 pM
pricE: €10 (GrOup raTES availaBlE)
aGES 3-5 yEarS
prESEnTEd By liTTlE BiGTOp
Box Office: 0504 90204