The Shoreline'14 April, 2014 | Page 41

“ We cannot even begin to fathom what riches an understanding of the properties of geometry and matter, under the umbrella of a theory of quantum gravity, will bring to our society and to the world at large ” presumed to be smooth and continuous. As such studying gravitons is analogous to studying the behaviour of perturbations of a body of fluid. Studying the perturbations of a fluid will give us the theory of waves but will not inform us of the nature of the molecules and atoms which constitute the fluid. Similarly a study of gravitons allows us to study perturbations of the gravitational field but does not give us any indication of the “molecules” and “atoms” from whose combinations the geometry - and therefore the gravitational field - arises. LQG advocates a different perspective. From the very beginning1 the notion of a smooth, continuous background geometry is abandoned in favour of a discrete geometry which is built out of elementary objects known as “simplices” - which is a complicated term for elementary geometric objects such as triangles and tetrahedra. In much the same way that Lego blocks can be glued together to build complicated structures, a collection of triangles or tetrahedra can be assembled to build a two-dimensional or three-dimensional geometry respectively. LQG allows us to calculate the quantized values of geometric attributes associated with these simplices. It provides us with a framework for studying quanta of geometry - in the true sense of the phrase - and to construct superpositions of different states of geometry. However, there remain many shortcomings in the LQG approach. Two significant obstacles are a) the lack of a grasp on how we can obtain an (approximately) smooth, continuous spacetime by gluing together our elementary simplices and b) a lack of understanding