The SEGway News Issue 6 | Page 4

Page 4 The SEGway News November 10 , 2016
‘ Our Town ’

Page 4 The SEGway News November 10 , 2016


‘ Our Town ’

Photos by Doris Goble
Students practice at the dress rehearsal of “ Our Town ,” at Eastbrook in preparation for their performances this weekend .
Clockwise from photo above : Mrs . Gibbs ( Claire Rush ) and Mrs . Webb ( Emma Leffingwell , Emily Webb ( Eleana Manning ) and George Gibbs ( Zachary Winters ), Dr . Gibbs ( Cole Hovermale ) and George Gibbs ( Zachary Winters ).

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Taylor students , faculty take NATS awards

By Jim Garringer
Six vocalists from Taylor University – five students and a faculty member – won their respective divisions at last weekend ’ s Student Adjudications , sponsored by the National Association of Teachers of Singing ( NATS ). The event was held in Fort Wayne , Ind ., and featured students and faculty from colleges and universities throughout the State of Indiana .
According to NATS , the annual Student Adjudications ( also known as Student Auditions ) event is one of NATS ’ s most recognized activities . It is an opportunity for vocalists to audition in front of a panel of recognized teachers and receive positive comments and feedback on their work as singers and performers . NATS auditions serve to introduce young singers to competition by offering students the chance to reach a personal performance goal in an atmosphere of support and respect , as well as nurturing a cooperative effort towards the highest standards of artistry and technique .
A total of 17 students represented Taylor University ’ s
Photo submitted
From left : Emma Helfgott , Abby Palmisano , Brandt Maina , Tiffany Rogers , Andrew Baker , Paige Kennedy , Lauren Walker ( adjunct faculty instructor ), and John Broda .
Department of Music , Theatre and Dance . Taylor ’ s first place award winners were :
• John Broda , 3rd and 4th year Musical Theatre
• Paige Kennedy , 2nd year Women ’ s Classical
• Brandt Maina , 1st year Men ’ s Classical
• Abby Palmisano , 4th year Women ’ s Classical
• Tiffany Rogers , 1st and 2nd year Women ’ s Musical Theatre
• Lauren Walker ( adjunct faculty member ), Advanced College division Two Taylor students also placed in their respective NATS divisions . They were :
• Andrew Baker , 2nd place winner , 1st and 2nd year Men ’ s Musical Theatre
• Emma Helfgott , 3rd place winner , 4th year Women ’ s Classical “ These outstanding finishes accomplished by our students and faculty member are wonderful validations of our music program at Taylor University ,” said Dr . Conor Angell , Assistant Professor of Music at Taylor University . “ The awards demonstrate that the work and God-given talent of Taylor student singers compares quite favorably with the work of their peers in similar and larger institutions throughout the State of Indiana , and we are very proud of them .”