The Score Magazine - Archive April 2016 issue! | Page 37
Being born to the legendary Vikku Ji, did that pave a great
path in your musical career?
Yes, undoutedbly it has been a great blessing to have been born
in that family. Whenever I am on stage with my dad, it is a great
learning process. On stage we are never Father and Son, we are
musicians, which is even more challenging. I was surrounded by
Music and Rhythm since my childhood, which motivated me to look
at the nuances and chose Music as my career.
What do you think about the current percussion musicians
It is upfront now. Even when I was a child, I wanted to be a
Percussionist. Even if you observe the college students, they mostly
prefer Drums or Guitar. Now, the South Indian Percussion is
becoming global and every rhythm artiste is astounded by the sheer
brilliance of it and are trying to use them in their instruments.
Can you elaborate on your JGTV school? :
This school was founded by my grandfather Hari Hara Sharma, who
wanted to spread the rhythm knowledge to everyone who wanted to
learn. We teach all kinds of South Indian percussion instruments
and techniques. Mridangam, Ghatam, Morsing, Konnakkol to name
a few. Our school has been an inspiration to a lot of musicians
across the globe, and people from across visit our school to take
How is it different working for Films and Independently?
Both are interesting in their own ways. For Independent Music,
you have all the liberty and freedom to explore all types of music
and there is no restriction. You just need to know the pulse of the
audience and then you take on from there. Working
for film music is different, as there is a story
line, the region and language for which
you are making the music, there is a director’s expectation, and
expectations from the artistes in the movies and then you will have
to make your mark as a Music director. In that sense it is even more
Tell us about your association with HARMAN. -
I have been following HARMAN for long time and have been using
their Professional Audio for a very long time. It’s the sound quality
that has always amazed me. Being a musician, I expect the natural
sound to be reproduced when I use any Audio device and AKG
HARMAN has never disappointed me. I am a huge fan of the Clip
On as it allows me to do multi tasking when I play and do the vocal
rhythm patterns
What are their products that you love the most?
C-518, C-519 as I said earlier, the clip on is my most favorite, and the
sound output I get is amazing.
What do you think is the USP of the products you use?
Easy to use, Comfortable for me, and especially with the clip on it
is great. The best part is the sound clarity that it goes along very
well with my instrument Kanjeera. I expect the natural sound to
be reproduced when I use any Audio, and this has been a great
experience for me when am with Harman
Your message to readers of The Score
Enjoy M usic..Celebrate Music...Enjoy
Life…Music can only bring the world
together and I am glad that I am part
of it…!!
Score Magazine