The Score Magazine - Archive April 2016 issue! | Page 36


In this month , we talk to the popular percussionist Selva Ganesh & the musician Mihir Joshi about their musical journey and association with HARMAN and their favorite products .

Tell us about your musical journey
I started my journey on radio and worked as a radio jockey for about 8 years . In the very first year of my work on radio , I started interviewing bands and met the musicians with whom I formed my first band . Many bands later , I now have a band that is simply called the Mihir Joshi Band and we released our debut album “ Mumbai Blues ” in May 2014 at the Harman Live Arena in the Palm Expo . Ehsaan and Loy launched the album for me there and we won the GIMA Award for Best Rock Album last year for it .
Apart from this I also host a talk show called The MJ Show on Youtube that features the best artists in the music industry , I have a Bollywood band that does Bollywood music in my way and I ’ ve released a couple of singles post the album on Times Music . It ’ s been an interesting journey so far but I ’ m looking forward to recording more and performing a lot more all over the place .
Your message to readers of The Score Magazine !
Listen to bands and musicians in your area . Support them by going to their gigs and picking up their albums if you like them . And let them know how you feel about them by supporting them on social media . This is the ONLY way we can grow the Indian independent music community . Without YOU there would be no scene !
On a personal note , check out Mumbai Blues and let me know what you think . You can find the album on all digital platforms and on www . mihirjoshimusic . com . I ’ m mihirjoshimusic on Facebook , Twitter , Instagram and Youtube ! Look forward to playing a gig in your city soon !
You ' ve endorsed Harman for the past few years . Tell us a bit more about your association .
I started with Harman in 2010 and I ’ ve been with them ever since . I ’ ve really enjoyed being an endorsee and a brand ambassador for Harman India . Currently the microphone I use on stage is possibly one of the best microphones I ’ ve ever used and I ’ m really glad to have it . Apart from that I have several other fantastic products by AKG , Digitech and JBL that I ’ m using and I ’ m really happy with their performance .
Which has been your best performance with their products ?
I think my album launch at the Harman Live Arena was by far the most special performance for me . Not just because of the occasion but also because of how good everything sounded that day .
What is the USP you think this brand has ?
Great quality products that always deliver just the way you ’ d want them to . I ’ ve pretty much never had a reason to be disappointed with any of the products I ’ ve been endorsing . And in the rare occasion that there was a small issue , they ' ve been brilliant in sorting it out .
Which product would you recommend for upcoming musicians ?
I truly believe that just like guitar players always carry their own guitars or bass players their own bass guitars , singers MUST invest in a good microphone that suits them and that they can take care of . At the end of the day , it is the microphone that carries your voice to the people and you just can ’ t take the chance the every sound guy ’ s microphone will be perfect or will suit you .
For upcoming musicians I would recommend the AKG D7 corded microphone . It ’ s not very expensive but it is absolutely brilliant . I myself have the corded one and even my current wireless microphone has the D7 head .
The Score Magazine
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