The Scoop Oct. 2014 | Page 3


Mark Hodkin Offensive Award Jimmy McBride (#56) /

Jordan McBride (#14)

John Marr Defensive Award

Dean Stewart (#88)

Rob Powell Unsung Hero Award Resham Panesar (#8)

Robert Hetherington Award

Stefan Wyroslawski (#77)

Most Improved Player Award

Tom Loake (#17)

2014 World Championships

The Senior Men's National squad gave one of their best ever peformances this summer at the World Championship in Denver.

Dealing with the exsessive heat and altitude of the mile high city, the boys in blue faced off against the world's best teams and finished with a record of 6 wins, losing only to Blue Division regulars the National Iroquois and old rivals, England.

Scotland will now join The Iroquois & England in the Top tier of the 2018 World Championships in Manchester, where they will be joined by Australia, Canada, and USA. It also, ensures that Scotland goes into the 2016 European Championships as serious medal contenders.

National training is set to resume on the 8th Feburary 2015 and will be

held at the University of Stirling head of the Brittish National

Championships in May.

Scotland Squad Award Winners

President Squad member - All-star team (Non-Blue Division): Kyle Buchanan (#19), Matt MacGrotty (#47), Jimmy McBride (#56), Jordan McBride (#14)