The Scoop MAY 2017 | Page 9

themselves to a strict diet. But, I recommend having a No Diet Day every single week. The perfect way to honor this day is to appreciate and love your beautiful body the way it is! Take today to indulge in the things that you like! Take today to buy a dress or nice outfit that makes you feel confident. Take today to eat what you would like with no remorse for what anyone else would think.

When you return back to your diet, just make sure your diet goals do not make you feel unacceptable, they should be to keep you healthy! May is the month of National Blood Pressure Awareness. According to “High blood pressure (HBP or hypertension) is when your blood pressure, the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your blood vessels, is consistently too high.” So, here are some diet tips to keep yourself healthy and happy with no blood pressure worries.

1) Potassium is great for keeping your blood pressure healthy! That means rack up on tasty foods like bananas, squash, coconut water, baked potatoes, and eggplant.

2) Salt is not always the enemy! For some, too little salt will actually make their blood pressure soar higher.

3) Monitor what you eat and try to eat in moderations. Just keep this in mind: DO NOT INDULGE IN ONE THING!

4) Try to intake only 2,300 mg (milligrams) of sodium daily.

Eat Healthy

Be Healthy