Thank You, Doctor
Here are 5 reasons to appreciate and honor nurses and everything they do! Thank you nurses!
1. Nurses take on a job most people would hate to do. There is plenty of stress that goes into being a nurse. Before you see a doctor who works on fixing your serious issue, you see the nurse who deals with the bloody mess or otherwise gross things happening with you. They do this without a thank you because it's their job, but doing a job without much thanks ways down on any person. The duty of looking after the well-beings of others, no matter how rude they are or if you want to is mentally and emotionally taxing.
2. Nurses are not given as much credit as they deserve because they are not doctors. You have to know the same things as a doctor does and you have to do so with less pay. Nurses make on average, $67,000 a year, while the average doctor makes $187,000 a year. Now, I know that doctors do a lot more serious work, but nurses take on a lot of the same stress and hard work for a considerably less amount of money.