The Scoop May 2014 | Page 2

Relationships are tough.

Dating While AbroaD

The blending of two separate people and each of their wants, needs and desires into one cohesive relationship is hard enough as it is. But when cultural norms are thrown into the mix, things can get even more complicating. Social habits and traditions that you normally take for granted are completely challenged when faced with the traditions of another culture. With the globalization of today's society we are given oppourtunities to meet people from all over the world. And why should you turn down the possibility of a great relationship because of the challenges it presents? Whether it be while traveling, working, or if you're considering taking the big step-- we have some tips for the modern Gen-Y'er and their cross-cultural relationship.

Traveling abroad during college is nothing new and with more and more people choosing to take time off after graduation to travel before starting a career or graduate school, the number of 20-something nomads is larger than ever before, increasing your worldwide dating pool exponentially. While falling in love abroad may seem perfect at first: the chance to learn a new language, get an insiders view of your new country, and be whisked away on the back of a Vespa with your newfound love. The reality can sometimes be much harsher. Dating and relationships require major adjustments to your life, and for many, the entire point of traveling abroad is to see as much as possible before your iminent return. Being tied to one place because of love can be a tricky decision. And courting someone new in a different country, in a different language can be hard. For instance, the level of appropriate space in the US differs greatly from that in Asian countries such as Japan and China. As does the way that men and women interact and the culturally acceptable boundaraies between potential beaus. However, the true boundries are in your head. One of the biggest rewards from traveling is a hightened understading of new cultures; limiting beliefs, myths, self perception issues and insecurities are the only thing holding you back.

Remember to always be careful when traveling, and dating abroad. Just like at home, there are always trying to be people who take advantage of you. Maria Coder has a great book titled Investidate: How to Investigate Your Date to teach people how to spot the liars, cheaters and Con-Artists of the world.




by: Lauren Howerton