The Scientific Journal of International Science Volume VII Issue 1 | Page 3

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Daniel here recently discovered an effective, long term, effort-free, cheap, easy to swallow, suitable for all ages cure for all types of obesity, with no side effects. As you can see, not only do the results have worldwide implications for health, but offer a fantastic opportunity for 'sexy science' to take a new direction, if only to keep Barbara (see correspondence) happy. Here's what Daniel himself had to say:

"I used 2 b 16stone, look at me now lol. Accidentally came across this diet pil trying to make Es in the lab [we assume he was referring to ecstasy, rather than Einsteinium]. My supervisor said it was how penisilin was discovered."


Sexy Science

Daniel, 21, essex

Wonder drug discoverer

bares it all to give sexy ladies a rest for this issue


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