The Scientific Journal of International Science Volume VI Issue 3 | Page 7


Meridula and her Crepidula

There was an old woman called Meridula,

She liked to collect lots of Crepidula,

She was struck down with a thud,

And fell face-first in the mud,

Her husband was trying to be rid of her!

Scientific Limericks


Using highly sophisticated technology (which I have not got the space to go into detail in this report, but the author believes it should be standard equipment in any self-respecting scientific laboratory or field kit) the electromagnetic spectrum could be accurately measured before and after the experiment.

Before the experiment began the electromagnetic spectrum was exactly the same as the one we all know and love, however, after the experiment something unusual, but not unexpected, occurred. A completely new direction had been created. The graph below illustrates the findings perfectly.

Observant readers may have noticed four theoretical zones. This is because the two directions could only be measured using visible light as a base point with current technology (which has been built with a rather anthropocentric view of the world). Until a time when technology catches up with our science, the author can only suggest the theoretical zones from inferences based on what is already known and the way the experiment was conducted.


The theoretical zone of emotions is the region of electromagnetic radiation that is believed to be where emotions originate. While not directly visible, the brains of animals interpret these wavelengths (in both directions) in different ways and this influences mental processing, which is then displayed as emotions.

The theoretical zone of parapsychology is the region of the electromagnetic spectrum where ghosts, ghouls, spirits, djinn and other supernatural beings reside.

The theoretical zone of glow sticks is where most raves (and other crazes) begin and indeed finish.

Lastly, the theoretical zone of theoretical zones is the region of the electromagnetic spectrum that stimulates the brain into developing hypotheses, theories and of course theoretical zones. An explanation as to why some people are more sensitive to this type of electromagnetic radiation, and so generate more hypotheses, has not yet come to the author from the theoretical zone of theoretical zones.


Spencer, J. 2013. Chapter 6 - History of Light. Physics for Foetuses, 1st Edition, SJIS Press, Essex.

Quantum Physicist Lyricist

I’m a world-renowned expert in all things quantum physics,

There’s an equal probability for all of my lyrics,

Whether tunnelling or entangling,

My outcomes are always left dangling,

I run a reasonably successful haberdashery.