The Scientific Journal of International Science Volume VI Issue 3 | Page 3

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There's so much sweet stuff here in my lab at SJIS HQ. I've got your standard microscopes, test tubes, beakers, flasks, centrifuges, spectrometers, Bunsen burners, magnetometers, clinometers, MRI scanners, tweezers, laser pointers, a mini bar, transistors, resistors, telescopes and of course pencils.

There's also a fair bit of SJIS exclusive equipment developed by the in-house specialists. I'm not sure what they all do exactly, but it’s great to know that whatever I want to do there's a machine specifically intended to do it. My favourite has got to be the increditometer, although I'm not trained in its use! I've even designed a few of my own machines.


Sexy Science

emily, 21, essex

Science is just the

best! Look at all the equipment I get to play with...


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Do you think you've got what it takes to work for the SJIS? If you do, send us a CV and you could be one of our regular contributors. We're after the most exemplary science, the most insightful reviews and the most poignant news articles.

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