The Scientific Journal of International Science Volume VI Issue 2 | Page 3

Image courtesy of Witthaya Phonsawat /

Sexy Science

Steph, 24, from Essex, says "71% of the Earth's surface is covered by the ocean, which contains 97% of the world's water. Pretty neat, huh?"

This well known oceanographer has been shaking up the establishment for years. What does she have to say about the state of oceanography today and what its future holds?

I’m so crazy I eat dessert as a starter and starter as a main course and the main course as the palate cleansing mint and the palate cleansing mint as the coffee and the coffee as the wine and the wine as the table and the table as the dessert. My favourite kind of table to eat is the Pembroke table with its delicious folding drop leaves. My least favourite kind of table to eat is the billiards table because it is a mockery of everything most types of table stand for. The tastiest table I ever did eat was a table tennis table that fell off a cargo ship and floated around the ocean for four years, gently maturing until it had a fine texture and exquisite flavour. I’ve never eaten anything quite like it before or since. That was the reason I got into oceanography in the first place: to test the effects of the ocean on furniture and to replicate, or even exceed, that divine meal I had so long ago partaken in. Does anyone actually read this? I suppose not. There is a stunning picture of the ocean and a pleasant cloudscape to view. I know I'm there for scale, but hopefully nobody is put off by my table-toned visage!