The Scientific Journal of International Science Volume VI Issue 2 | Page 16


Dear SJIS,

I enjoyed Volume VI(1) but I found statistical flaws in one or two of your articles. All of them, actually. Can you explain these?

Mr Settomp

Is that you Dan [of IJSS]? Piss off, stop infecting our correspondence page with your substandard science. You don't know the first thing about statistics! Who do you think you are?!

Dear SJIS,

I'm a mild mannered quantum physicist looking for a woman who is either a scientist or science enthusiast for sensual scientific discussions and maybe more.


Good luck in your search for love, but before you ask: No - none of the women here at SJIS want to go on a date with you. They're all

married to their jobs. I even have legally binding documents to that effect on my desk.

Dear SJIS,

I wear a lot of hats, however I have often been told that I don't have a good face for hats. What makes a good face for hats? How do I get one? Should I shave my neck beard and slather nettle tea on my forehead? Please help me!


We would recommend shaving the neck beard but would advise against the use of nettle tea as a topical solution. Without further details about your face we can't go into specifics so for now we suggest, to be on the safe side, that you wear a wide-brimmed hat with some form of veil.

Dear SJIS,

I love all you do with a great and mighty passion! I was wondering if you will ever produce a print edition of your most glorious journal?


Probably not.