The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 39

24 The Science of Karma Dadashri: No one else can give the fruit of karma. No such person has yet been born. If you were to drink poison, you would die. No one is needed in the middle to bring the results. If someone were needed to deliver karma-fruits, then he would have to have a gigantic office. Everything runs scientifically. There is no need for a middleman. When the time is up for maturation of karma, it automatically comes into effect. Just like these mangoes that ripen automatically. Questioner: Yes. Dadashri: They ripen on the tree, do they not? These karmas are like mangoes that ripen on the tree. When the time is right, they ripen and are ready for consumption. Questioner: If the karma one creates in this life gives result in the next life, who keeps the account of all that? Dadashri: Why does the water inside a pipe freeze in winter? It is because the environment has turned cold. It is all Scientific Circumstantial Evidence. All these karmas yielding their fruit are evidences. Who makes you hungry? It is all Scientific Circumstantial Evidences. The Order Behind The Effect Of Karma Questioner: In which order do the effects of karmas come? Is it in the same order as they were bound? Dadashri: No, it is not like that. Questioner: Can you explain how it is? Dadashri: They are all arranged according to their inherent properties, for example the ones to be experienced during the day, during the night, during times of happiness and during bad times. This is how they are arranged. Questioner: What is this arrangement based on?