The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 38
The Science of Karma
create karma, the result will come naturally and automatically.
Questioner: Who decides the fruits of karmas we have
to experience? Who makes us experience these?
Dadashri: They do not need to be decided. The karma
itself does this. It happens on its own.
Questioner: Then who governs the rules of karma?
Dadashri: When two atoms of Hydrogen and one of
Oxygen come together, we automatically get water. That is the
rule of karma.
Questioner: But somebody must have made that rule?
Dadashri: Nobody makes the rules; otherwise there
would be a creator. Nobody has to make the rules. This puzzle
has come about on its own governed by the laws of science. I
am telling you that this world is run only by Scientific
Circumstantial Evidences. In Gujarati I call it ‘Vyavasthit Shakti’.
Vyavasthit Shakti And Karma
Questioner: Is what you call ‘Vyavasthit’ according to
Dadashri: The world is not run by karmas, Vyavasthit
runs it. Who brought you here to satsang? Was it your karma?
No, Vyavasthit brought you here. Karma is there all the same,
so why did it not bring you here yesterday. Why did it bring you
here today? Vyavasthit brings together the time, inner intent,
space etc. All these circumstances come together to bring you
here. Karma is only a small part of Vyavasthit. When the
circumstances are right, one claims, “I did it,” but what happens
when the circumstances are not right?
The Fruit Comes Automatically
Questioner: If someone else brings the karma-fruit (fruit
of karma), is it still another karma?