The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 25

10 The Science of Karma The Relationship Of Karma And Soul Questioner: What is the relationship between the soul and karma? Dadashri: Both will separate if the link of doership between the two is broken. Each will go to its own place. Questioner: I did not understand that very well. Dadashri: Without doership there is no karma. With doership there is karma. If you are not the doer, then no matter what you do, you will not bind any karma. Questioner: Then is karma the doer? Dadashri: The doer is the doer. Karma is not the doer. Do you say, “I did it,” or do you say, “Karma did it?” Questioner: The internal belief that “I am doing it,” is always there. We always say, “I did it!” Dadashri: Yes, you say, “I am doing it,” and hence you become the doer. In reality neither the karma nor the soul is the doer. Questioner: The soul is on one side and karma is on the other. How can the two be separated? Dadashri: They are separate. They seem to be connected because of this link of doership. Once this doership goes, the one who claims to be the doer also disappears, and the two will be separate. Karma Is Bound Through Internal Actions Questioner: Does karma apply to human beings? Dadashri: Human beings do nothing but bind karma, constantly. The human ego is such that even though it does not eat, drink, or conduct any actions in the worldly life, it still maintains a notion of doership, which is why it binds karma. Karma is bound through the ego that says, “I am doing it.” Is