The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 24

The Science of Karma 9 is the ego, which has been created through false impositions that binds karma, and it is the ego that experiences the fruits of karma. You are the pure Self and yet you claim that you are Chandubhai. Claiming to something you are not, is called the ego. This is the false imposition of the ego. Egoism is to usurp someone else’s space and call it your own. When this ego leaves, you can return to your own place, where there is no bondage. Karma And Soul: Together Life After Life Questioner: So is it possible for the soul to be free from karma? When does that happen? Dadashri: When no circumstance can cling and attach to the Self, then not a single karma will cling or attach to him. No karmas exist for the Absolute liberated Souls and such are only to be found in the Siddhagati (domain of the liberated souls). One is subject to karma bondage only in the universe of life; and this has been the case for time immemorial. Furthermore, it is all scientific circumstantial evidence. All this has come about as a result of the constant motion of elements. This gives rise to illusion, which in turn gives rise to the ego in man. Illusion itself is the identification with that which is not real, the non-Self. Amidst all this illusion the Self is forgotten. So there has never been a time that the soul has been free of karma. By the time one meets a Gnani Purush, a considerable weight of karma has been shed. In fact it is when his karmas become lighter that he is able to meet a Gnani Purush. The meeting of the two is also scientific, it happens when all the scientific circumstantial evidences come together. Such a meeting cannot occur through one’s own efforts. This meeting simply happens and one’s work gets accomplished. Karma is the coming together of circumstances, and its nature is dissipation (to discharge).