The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine Oct. 2016 | Page 6

The second par t of the impor tant question is : Listening for an answer
In personal and professional relationships , we all know the first answer is not the only answer , and rarely the best answer . That ? s why remembering the question - And what else ? as a follow up question always provides deeper answers until you reach the heart of the issue .
Listening for your body ? s answer to the powerful question , ? And What Else ?? requires another shift in your perspective . It forces you to listen for the answer from your body rather than over ride her input with your first , second , or third response . Where your body image comes from is more than your thoughts and feelings about your body , it begins within your body and it ? s time or past time you begin to listen to her to get to the final answer for both of you .
As comfortable as you are being in control of your life , include your body by asking her this follow up question so that you are forced to relinquish your power over her as you await her answer . Better body image coaching is not an either / or , black / white , yes / no process between two opposing entities who have not communicated with each other since childhood . Rather it is a process of reestablishing the intimate relationship between you and your body you had as an infant---the most effective and efficient way to activate the Law of Attraction .
The answers to this question are between you and your very best friend , your body . So there ? s no need to shy away from the difficult questions about what you want for your body , and perhaps are ? afraid ? to ask ? The basic principle of improving your body image through coaching is total trust and ease of communication between you and your body . The openness between whatever question you ask of your body and the answers you receive will create the positive energy to actually accomplish your basic goal : Body Confidence .
Look Forward to Attracting , then Announcing Your Positive Body Image
Working with a body image expert coach can provide a short cut to the process of accepting your body as your Best Friend . Allowing the coach to repeat ? And what else ?? until you provide the real answer to the question in the safety of the relationship eases the transition to establishing the intimate relationship you and your body had at birth . Working with your body you understand what you do not want ( contrast ) and you become clear on what you do want and that clarity attracts it easily . When you include your body in the process , you double the positive energy behind your unified efforts to reach the same goal . The simple tool , the question ? and what else ?? allows you to go beyond the superficial into the heart of your desires , not someone else ? s desires for you . Acknowledge your individuality when applying the Law of Attraction to achieving what you want out of life , when your goals are authentic and true to you , that positive energy glows !
Coach Stephanie Wood , ICF Certified Coach , PCC is a Body & Business Coach for Entrepreneurial Men and Women , Author of ? Body Knowledge System ®, an Awesome Intelligence .?.
Her play book helps you to stop the struggle with your body , to walk with confidence to share your unique talents with the world .
Allow me to help you with your body issues . Contact me : 1-866-76-COACH or CoachSt ephanieWood @ gmail . com . visit : www . BodyAwe . com

C oach Stephanie Wood

Page 6 - October , 2016