The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine April, 2017 | Page 33

in hum anity w hich gave them the per sever ance, com passion, cour age and love to for ge ahead despite seem ingly im possible obstacles. Let us all take hear t that r ight on the gr ound w her e w e now stand w e m ay begin consciously applying the Law of Love and im pact all sentient beings thr oughout the planet. As the Buddha r em inds us, ?Hate never yet dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate.? For m any year s now in my ser vices, classes, r etr eats and speaking engagem ents, I?ve been em phasizing that often tim es the Law of Attr action is used for linguistic convenience to descr ibe the Law of Radiance, w hich is tr ansm itted into outer expr ession thr ough the Law of Em er gence. In other w or ds, w hat this spir itual science is descr ibing is that our innate qualities of w isdom , love, peace, com passion, gener osity, intuition and cr eativity ignite a glow , a r adiance w ithin us. As w e spir itually evolve, this r adiance incr eases in its ener getic fr equency and w hen conditions ar e r ipe w ithin us, deliver s the full im pact of its potency in the outer w or ld thr ough the Law of Em er gence. W hat I call the ?collective soul? of hum anity then enter s the field of infinite possibilities, enabling Spir it?s vision of a unified w or ld to m anifest on our beautiful planet. It is im por tant to under stand that this pr ocess is not dependent upon any pr eexisting conditions other than individually and collectively discover ing, activating and acceler ating the ener gy fr equency of our inher ently Divine potential. And so w e now com e full cir cle to the Law of Love. The w or ld is looking for love m aster s. Each and ever y one of us is that potential love m aster. Each of us is a choice-point in the center of the Univer se. So the question becom es, what will be your choice? M icha el Ber na r d Beckwith is the visiona r y founder of the Aga pe I nter nationa l Spir itua l Center , hea dqua r ter ed in Los Angeles. A sought a fter meditation tea cher , spea ker a nd r etr eat fa cilitator , he is the or iginator of the Life Visioning Pr ocess a nd author of Spir itua l Liber ation, Life Visioning, 40 Day M ind Fa st Soul Fea st, Tr a nscenDa nce a nd A M a nifesto of Pea ce. Beckwith ha s been featur ed on The Opr a h W infr ey Show, OW N's Help Desk, The Dr . Oz Show, Tavis Smiley, his own PBS specia l The Answer I s You, a nd is a member of Opr a h's Super Soul 100. Visit him at w w w.a ga Page 33 - April , 2017