The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine April, 2017 | Page 32

This br ings us to examine these next set of questions :
- ? Can I br ing myself to apply the ultimate Law of Love for cr eating har mony in my individual hear t-mind and the gr eater w or ld ?
- Am I cultivating w ithin myself and emanating out into the w or ld a love that r eflects the unconditional love Spir it has entr usted to me ?
- Am I putting my inner spir itual pr actices into outer action accor ding to the call of my conscience ??
It ? s time to galvanize awakened individuals to r espond to the numer ous challenges that have been thr eatening the cohesion of our global society by putting our spir itual pr inciples and pr actices into action .
I per sonally have ever y confidence in our collective capacity to tr ansfor m our w or ld into one that honor s the dignity of all beings , for at no other time in our histor y has ther e been such w idespr ead r ecognition of humanity ? s inter dependence , its inter connectivity , w hich tr anscends outer r eligious , cultur al , r acial , histor ical and political differ ences . As each of us discover our boundless capacity to love and begin expr essing it as a beneficial pr esence on the planet , w e contr ibute to the cr eation of an enlightened society . Thr ough our ongoing pr actices of affir mative pr ayer , meditation , and compassionate action , w e begin cultivating a hear t of love as w ide as the w or ld , ever enlar ging our cir cle of compassion . We then become incr easingly motivated to become a distr ibution center thr ough this hear t-set of love , instead of fear that the w or ld needs saving .
As w or ld citizens , w e have the oppor tunity to pr oclaim that now is the time to br ing a halt to dehumanizing our global br other s and sister s , that now is the time to put an end to war s , w or ld hunger , inadequate health car e , lack of education , global war ming and political cor r uption . We ar e in kinship w ith all life spir itually , ecologically , economically and politically . To live fr om this kinship r equir es that w e have faith in the essential goodness that our Cr eator Sour ce has implanted in equal measur e in all beings . Wor ld events change in ways w e cannot pr edict , but w hen w e have faith in humanity ? s innate essence , our pr ayer s and actions have a monumental effect . Our influence is limitless . May w e all r ealize that w e can make a tr ansfor mative differ ence in the w or ld today , for as Desmond Tutu r eminds us , ? Do your little bit of good w her e you ar e ; it ? s those little bits of good put together that over w helm the w or ld .?
When w e examine the lives of individuals w ho have made and continue to make a tr emendous impact in for war ding the cause of peace and honor ing the dignity of all beings ? luminar ies such as Nelson
Mandela , Mohandas Gandhi , Malala Yousafzai , Thich Nhat Hanh , Mother Ter esa , Mar tin Luther King Jr ., His Holiness the Dalai Lama ? w e see that in spite of endless challenges they maintained their faith