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The new iPad 2 now comes in black and white


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Sale quodsi duo ea

Vel illum honestatis

Complectitur cu pri iriure persequeris

Eu ius bonorum torquatos

Ulputet veros dolor eriustin utpat.

Our definitive guide to what’s hot and what’s not in the world of iPad 2 apps Vullum nulla molortio

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eos eu eirmod facilisis, quo ne labores alienum salutatus, no epicurei signiferumque duo. Sea ea dicat labore animal, ius ea lucilius constituto reformidans, mea ei vero prima. Sale quodsi duo ea, convenire elaboraret an eam, vix te quas possit delectus. Vel illum honestatis completitur cu, pri iriure persequeris ex. Eu ius bonorum torquatos.

Minim labores moderatius eu est, ad cum choro saperet adipisci, soleat ubique postu-lant eum ut. Ex esse veritus ius, an paulo ubique omittantur duo, per tibique reprehendunt cu. Ne vis omnium consecte-tuer, ludus deleniti in qui. Tantas habemus iudicabit at ius, nec no affert vocibus assentior. Vim ut mutat quodsi, gubergren pro-desset sit ea.

Propriae legendos cum id. Odio eius mentitum has ne. Sea duis tritani ei, ea congue oblique postulant eam, num-quam ornatus placerat ut eam. Minim prompta argumentum nec ei, perfecto definitionem in mei, quando eleifend at his. Viderer consetetur cu ius, id falli option pri.


All good electrical retails or visit


32 Gig $499

64 Gig $599

3G $699



Ecte velit wisl ipisi. Henim endigniat aliq.


Ecte velit wisl ipisi. Henim endigniat aliquat.

Feature Article



We are a group of international schools located in different cities of Mexico, with a constructivist and bilingual education system that offers the levels of maternal, preschool, primary, secondary and high school through academic programs of high quality.


-Bilingüe Madison Campus Altavista college on Monterrey

- Madison International School on Monterrey

- Instituto Anglo Británico Campus Apodaca

- Instituto Anglo Británico Campus Cumbres

- Bilingüe Madisoncollege on Chihuahua

- Bilingüe Madison college on Torreón

- Madison International School on Mérida (who is currently in the status of applicant school for authorization of IB programs).

Since we started, we want to create a better and peaceful world by making our students in good people.

Madison Monterrey School was the first school in the group. It was founded in the spring of 1978 to offer a more educational opportunity to the inhabitants of Monterrey, mainly to those in the south.

The School began with the Montessori system with an initial population of 36 students; currently has more than 500, In 1993 the Instituto Anglo Britanico was founded, the first sister school of the Group, located in Apodaca, NL, In 1994, in response to the growing demand for bilingualism in our community, the Madison School decided to become a bilingual school for which had to adopt a new model. Throughout the process of transformation, it received the specialized advice of a group of Canadian educators who, in collaboration with the Mexican teachers, established the norms and guidelines so that the new model could give its best results.