The Satellite Review Magazine The Satellite Review Magazine Vol 1 | Page 15

systems can be easily expanded. As a result of having AS/RS technology, it will drive expansion in other areas of manufacturing for Sazerac. 4. Sazerac Co. has recently invested $71 million in its three facilities. What types of improvements will be made to bottling if any? Bottling improvements are built into the company’s strategic plan, along with the warehouse expansions. Being free of warehouse space constraints, it allows for bottling to expand to its full potential at each location. New equipment along with improvements in existing systems is part of the plan to grow bottling capacity. Expansion will take place not only in bottling, but all supporting departments as well. 5. How will Westfalia’s patented Satellite® technology be used to store pallets? The Satellite® technology is an important factor to the solution design. Having a growing and dynamic business, we wanted a solution that was flexible and could change as business needs change. With having a large number of Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) and needing to meet customer demands, a conventional 2-deep AS/RS would have involved more cranes and a larger system. With Westfalia’s Satellite® technology, we were able to keep the number of cranes down which reduced the overall size and cost of the system. For pallet storage, we’ll be storing pallets ranging from 2-deep up to 8-deep, depending on the SKU and business need. Having configurable storage was a key selling point. 6. What are the expectations on warehouse efficiency after implementation (i.e., reduction costs, throughput, storage capacity, accuracy, quality control and shipping)? Numerous warehousing improvements will occur due to the AS/RS technology. As with any automation, significant gains are expected with efficiency, especially compared to our current conventional warehouse. Efficiency gains will drive better throughput compared to current, which will allow for more cases per hour to be shipped. Since equipment and automation will be handling the inventory the majority of the time, accuracy of inventory will be more controllable and greatly improved. Equipment handling the product will also reduce warehouse breakage and improve the overall quality of the product to the customer. Since racking will be utilized, higher density of storage is more cost effective and also creates a safer working environment. Having automation and a more contained system will also greatly impact our physical inventory time and reduce that cost significantly. AS/RS technology will also allow for lower operating energy cost compared to conventional warehousing. Sazerac Company’s current conventional warehouse at Buffalo Trace Distillery, Frankfort, Ky. www. Distributors of ■ Electrical ■ Lighting ■ Automation ■ DataComm 1-800-998-1621 The Satellite Review 15