The Satellite Review Magazine The Satellite Review Magazine Vol 1 | Page 14

IN THE NEWS interview with Sazerac Company, Inc. Jeff Conder, VP of Manufacturing 1. How has Westfalia created an Automated Storage and Retrieval System (AS/RS) solution tailored to Sazerac’s specific needs? Westfalia’s approach to providing Sazerac a solution was an important attribute that separated them from the other solution vendors we were evaluating. Westfalia didn’t immediately jump to a specific design or solution and try to make a sale. They spent a considerable amount of time examining our current business, not only from a warehousing perspective, but by looking at our entire manufacturing process. As a result of the analysis, they were able to pinpoint key details that would greatly improve warehousing, and allow for improvements in other areas of manufacturing by utilizing a new automated warehouse. A key design factor that Westfalia presented was the re-purposing of existing warehousing to help alleviate other areas of manufacturing being limited by space constraints. Once all factors being impacted were known, then the solution design began. During the design process, simulation software played a key role in determining system throughput and allowed for the best use of automation to be determined. The final design gives Sazerac the needed storage capacity, the desired operational impact to the manufacturing process, and the best value for the company long term. 14 The Satellite Review Groundbreaking ceremony at Sazerac Company’s Buffalo Trace Distillery, Frankfort, Ky. 2. Sazerac is the first U.S. Spirits Supplier to use AS/RS technology. What brought about this specific timing to make improvements to the distilleries? Sazerac looked at the possibility of an automated warehouse utilizing AS/RS technology four years ago, but the timing wasn’t right. Sazerac had just purchased three new plants and the overall operational foundation was still being developed. Now, with the solid foundation in place and company growth moving forward, the business case for utilizing AS/RS technology makes absolute sense. In today’s spirits market, servicing the customer and being able to quickly adapt to business needs is critical and the Westfalia solution allows us to deliver on both. The added benefit of AS/RS efficiency keeps us competitive in delivering value to the customer as well. 3. What other types of equipment will be purchased in the future? Are there any other additional improvements on the horizon for these two distilleries or any other locations? Both warehousing solutions come with built in expansion capabilities. With AS/RS technology and the ease of expansion, when business needs dictate in t