solution that matches their eco-
nomic, technical and organizational
Additionally, it is important that a
company’s impact goes well beyond
just the national economy and into
the local community. When choos-
ing a partner, check out what they
are doing as a business to help the
community. For example, West-
falia takes pride in supporting the
local community by developing
fun programs that encourage our
employees to participate in raising
much-needed funds for charitable
organizations, including the Chil-
dren’s Miracle Network, Keystone
Warriors Foundation, Operation
Gratitude, The American Cancer
Society, The American Heart Asso-
ciation, The American Liver Foun-
dation, The American Red Cross,
Salvation Army, York County Food
Bank, and more.
All-encompassing partner
with American roots
Think of a “typical” American party
– a summer barbecue or a fami-
ly get-together – and the odds of
finding sliced cheese from Sargen-
to Foods, Martin’s Famous Pastry
The Satellite Review
Shoppe potato rolls, and Buffalo
Trace bourbon are high. But these
companies didn’t become household
brands overnight. Each of these
companies are family-owned and
operated in the U.S. and have since
outgrown their old warehouses.
Looking to expand operations and
improve their material handling
processes, while still being true to
their roots, Buffalo Trace Distillery,
Sargento and Martin’s each turned
to automation and chose Westfalia
as a trusted partner in developing
automated warehouse solutions that
will enable their business to grow.
We understand the importance of
creating a partnership with each
of our customers, which has been
a driving force behind automating
some of America’s favorite brands.
The key to a successful partnership
is listening and understanding the
requirements that the customer has
for their business, which may in-
clude working within their historical
buildings. Your automation partner
should take the time to gather as
much information as possible about
how your unique business operates,
its current warehouse processes
and its goals for future growth. This
information will help
to determine a solution that will best
fit your current and future needs.
Innovative automation
solutions – Made in the
While manufacturing domestically
may come with a series of challeng-
es, it also provides companies with
valuable advantages, such as versa-
tility, innovation and quality con-
trol. The personalized support and
customized solutions we provide
our customers are matched only
by the innovation of our products.
Automation technology, such as
high-density AS/RS, warehouse exe-
cution systems (WES), layer picking
systems and automated parking
solutions, are highly advanced and
can be customized to virtually any
scenario. By designing and manu-
facturing these automated systems
in the United States, we are able to
control the design, manufacture
and installation of each part of
our solution to guarantee a quality
product that is designed to last 25
to 30 years. The quality, reliability
and flexibility of our systems give
customers the ability to adapt to
changing market conditions now
and in the future.