The Satellite Review Magazine 2017 Satellite Review Magazine_pages hi res | Page 5

martin ’ s famous pastry shoppe , inc . automates new warehouse with Westfalia

W estfalia Technologies , Inc ., announces that Martin ’ s Famous Pastry Shoppe , Inc .® ( Martin ’ s ®), a family owned and operated bread and roll manufacturer , has installed the company ’ s warehouse automation technology at its Chambersburg , Pennsylvania facility . With Westfalia ’ s automated storage and retrieval system ( AS / RS ) and Savanna . NET ® Warehouse Execution System ( WES ), Martin ’ s ® has improved efficiency , accuracy , and traceability of finished goods .

Westfalia ’ s AS / RS stores pallets of reserve product in a rack structure six pallets deep , housing approximately 2,000 pallets . Two tandem ( dual pallet ) storage and retrieval machines ( S / RMs ), with independent movable cabs for safer and easier maintenance , store and retrieve pallets to and from the rack structure . The AS / RS is integrated with Cimcorp ’ s MultiPick System , a fully automated , robotic material handling solution , picking system , and Westfalia ’ s out-feed conveyor system . This combination enables the fast fulfillment of single and multi-SKU orders .
Steve Mitchell , engineering manager at Martin ’ s , said , “ Our Chambersburg , Pennsylvania facility experiences a significant impact from the seasonality of hamburger and hot dog roll sales throughout the summer months . As a result , we were struggling with space constraints in our warehouse , as well as risk of order fulfillment errors . Westfalia ’ s solutions enable us to efficiently utilize our space while improving the accuracy of our shipments .”
Westfalia ’ s Savanna . NET ® WES orchestrates the entire operation , maintaining the inventory in both the AS / RS and the MultiPick system . In order to increase order accuracy and product traceability , the WES is integrated with Martin ’ s ® order processing and enterprise systems .
Dan Labell , president , Westfalia Technologies , said , “ With a growing , diverse number of SKUs , seasonal products , and complex orders , food manufacturers can more effectively manage and track inventory with automation technology . Westfalia ’ s AS / RS , integrated with our Savanna . NET ® WES , will help Martin ’ s ® achieve these benefits , while providing additional operational efficiencies , cost savings , and a competitive advantage .”
** Martin ’ s Famous Pastry Shoppe , Inc .® is an all-American family owned and operated consumer goods company headquartered in
Chambersburg , Pennsylvania focused on baking high-quality bread and roll products using high-quality ingredients . **
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