The Satellite Review Magazine 2017 Satellite Review Magazine_pages hi res | Page 4

FROM THE EDITOR The Silver Lining : Preparing for the Future of Automated Storage
By Morgan Williams
Marketing Specialist , Westfalia Technologies , Inc .
Editorial Staff
Morgan Williams Marketing Specialist
Robert Sushinski Marketing Coordinator
Sales Staff
2017 marks Westfalia Technologies ’ 25th anniversary in the material handling and automated warehousing industry . From the beginning , Westfalia had a vision of introducing a European-designed line of automated storage and retrieval systems ( AS / RS ) to the U . S . market . As we strive to deliver unparalleled warehousing solutions by earning the trust of our customers , understand their business needs and honor the commitments we make , our mission statement continues to ring true today . In celebration of our 25th anniversary , our “ silver ” anniversary , we reflect not only on our roots and how we got here , but also on where we are headed : the future of automated storage .
In 1992 , Westfalia Technologies set forth on a journey to set the standard for sustainable , reliable , high-quality warehouse automation solutions . Using the experience of our German sister company , Westfalia Logistics Solutions Europe , we have been able to address many of the struggles and challenges that manufacturers face when managing and storing products within a warehouse or distribution center . If you have found your facility buried with stacked pallets , struggling to find space to fit those ever-growing SKUs , you ’ re not alone !
I have chosen to title this issue of The Satellite Review “ The Silver Lining ” because , for many in the warehousing industry , automation has become just that . A silver lining is defined as a sign of hope in an unfortunate or bad situation . Companies today are realizing that they are continually in need of inventory storage space and the high cost / limited availability of needed real estate is forcing them to look to new solutions . Additionally , thanks to the new standard being set by companies like Amazon , customers are demanding that their products are delivered quicker than ever .
Maybe you have found yourself in this situation ? Or , if you haven ’ t , you are dreading that inevitable day . But we have found the silver lining ! Westfalia ’ s AS / RS solutions provide the ability to adapt to changing market conditions now and into the future . Through the investment in automation , you have the ability to maximize available storage space for your inventory , minimize the overall building footprint and reduce energy , labor and product damage costs . An AS / RS helps companies maximize the potential of their current facilities and increase the accuracy of their inventory , while also helping to prepare for future growth .
Celebrating our 25th anniversary is quite an accomplishment , but what is even more exciting is what the future holds for our company and the material handling industry . We continue to innovate and work in partnership with our customers ( and potential customers ) to develop solutions that fit their unique business needs . We continue to be driven to provide the best possible solutions to meet the needs of our ever-changing market .
Join us as we celebrate 25 years of excellence and prepare for the next 25 +!
Aaron Corcoran Account Executive
John Hinchey VP of Sales
Borja Salanova Sales Engineer
Gary Frank VP Automated Systems
Ryan Smith VP of Automation
Dan Labell President
Caio Seabra Chief Operating Officer
Dave Williams Director of Software and Solutions Delivery
Jon Schultz VP of New Business Development
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For reprints and licensing , please contact Morgan Williams , Marketing Specialist at mwilliams @ WestfaliaUSA . com
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Published and copyrighted 2017 by Westfalia Technologies , Inc . All rights reserved . No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means , electronic or mechanical , including photocopy , recording or any information storage systems , without permission from the publisher .
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