The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 4, Spring 2021 | Page 68

The Saber and Scroll
Rosas , Richard . “ Business as Pleasure : Culture , Tourism and Nation in Puerto Rico in the 1930 ’ s .” Nepantla : Views from South 2 , no . 3 ( 2001 ): 453 .
Sexton , Jay . The Monroe Doctrine : Empire and Nation in the Nineteenth-Century America . New York : Hill and Wang , 2011 .
Stuckey , Mary E . The Good Neighbor : Franklin D . Roosevelt and the Rhetoric of American Power . East Lansing : Michigan State University Press , 2013 .
Van Deusen , Elizabeth Kniepple . Stories of Porto Rico . San Juan : Department of Education , 1927 .
Van Deusen , Richard J . Porto Rico : A Caribbean Isle . New York : Henry Holt & Company , Inc , 1931 .
1 Jay Sexton , Monroe Doctrine : Empire and Nation in the Nineteenth-Century America ( New York : Hill and Wang , 2011 ), 6 .
2 Ibid . 3 Ibid ., 3 .
4 Louis A . Perez Jr ., The War of 1898 : The United States and Cuba in History and Historiography ( Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press , 1998 ), 1-3 .
5 Ibid .
6 Jerald A . Combs , The History of American Foreign Policy from 1895 , 4 th ed . ( New York : Taylor & Francis , 2015 ), chap . 3 , Kindle .
7 Howard B . Grose , Advance in the Antilles : The New Era in Cuba and Porto Rico ( Philadelphia : The American Baptist Publication Society , 1910 ), 10-12 .
8 Howard B . Grose , Aliens or Americans ? ( New York : Young People ’ s Missionary Movement of the United States and Canada , 1909 ), 15 .
9 Richard Rosas , “ Business as Pleasure : Culture , Tourism and Nation in Puerto Rico in the 1930 ’ s ,” Nepantla : Views from South 2 , no . 3 , ( 2001 ): 453 .
10 Charles H . Rector , The Story of Beautiful Porto Rico : A Graphic Description of the Garden Spot of the World by Pen and Camera ( London : Forgotten Books , 2015 ), 13 .
11 Ibid ., 125 . 12 Ibid ., 50 .