The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 4, Spring 2021 | Page 67

The Doctrines of Imagination : American Foreign Policy & the Images of Puerto Rico , 1898-1965

The history that the United States and Puerto Rico share began with James Monroe who became the architect of the United States ’ imperialism overseas through the Monroe Doctrine . This doctrine became a playbook that subsequent presidents and officials used and strengthened depending on the context . The products of those efforts to strengthen the foreign policy introduced by the Monroe Doctrine affected Puerto Rico . They came in the form of the Roosevelt Corollary , the Good Neighbors Policy , and the Truman Doctrine . American writers were enamored with the world and the place their country played in it . Their writing is what allows us to see how the United States viewed Puerto Rico and its people across time . Their work and the analysis of their work provide us with a blueprint to observe and identify the images of Puerto Rico and its people in any era , whether it is in the past or in the future .

Ayala , Cesar J , & Rafael Bernabe . Puerto Rico in the American Century : A History Since 1898 . Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press , 2007 .
Combs , Jerald A . The History of American Foreign Policy from 1895 , 4 th ed . New York : Taylor & Francis , 2015 .
Grose , Howard B . Advance in the Antilles : The New Era in Cuba and Porto Rico . Philadelphia : The American Baptist Publication Society , 1910 .
Grose , Howard B . Aliens or Americans ? New York : Young People ’ s Missionary Movement of the United States and Canada , 1909 .
Gruber , Ruth . Puerto Rico : Island of Promise . New York : Hill and Wang , 1960 . Hancock , Ralph . Puerto Rico : A Success Story . Princeton : Van Nostrand , 1960 .
Hanson , Earl P . Transformation : The Story of Modern Puerto Rico . New York : Alfred A . Knopf , Inc ., 1955 .
Perez Jr ., Louis A . The War of 1898 : The United States and Cuba in History and Historiography . Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press , 1998 .
Rector , Charles H . The Story of Beautiful Porto Rico : A Graphic Description of the Garden Spot of the World by Pen and Camera . London : Forgotten Books , 2015 .