The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 4, Spring 2021 | Page 26

The Saber and Scroll
viduales de los dueños de negocios para anunciar y promover sus propios negocios .
Palabras clave : The Daily Alaskan ( periódico ), Martin Itjen , Herman D . Kirmse , Klondike Gold Rush , Skagway Alaska , Skagway Commercial Club , Sureste de Alaska , Turismo , White Pass y Yukon Railroad
20 世纪初 , 阿拉斯加斯卡圭社区创立斯卡圭商业俱乐部 ( Skagway Commercial Club ), 将斯卡圭作为旅游目的地加 以宣传 。 通过使用当时的报纸和刊物 、 企业和个体宣传资 料 、 以及相关二次文献 , 本文探讨了 20 世纪前三十年斯卡圭 商业俱乐部在将斯卡圭作为旅游目的地加以宣传一事上所作 的努力 , 并评价了与个体企业家出版的游轮资料和商店宣传 册等外部广告相比 , 商业俱乐部所作宣传的有效性 。 尽管在 最开始的两三年里商业俱乐部的确试图积极宣传斯卡圭 , 但 与个体企业家在宣传其各自业务上所作的努力相比 , 商业俱 乐部产生的宣传效果更小 。
关键词 : 阿拉斯加日报 ( The Daily Alaskan ), Martin Itjen , Herman D . Kirmse , 克朗代克淘金热 , 斯卡圭 ( 阿拉斯加 ), 斯卡圭商业俱乐部 , 阿拉斯加东南部 , 旅游业 , 白隘口和育 空铁路

As part of the Skagway Chamber of Commerce , the Skagway Commercial Club began with an organizational meeting on June 16 , 1909 . The sole purpose of the Commercial Club ( or the Club ) was “ aiding the growth and development of Skagway .” 1 All citizens were invited to attend the meeting , not just business owners . The Club ( or SCC ) was not different from other Commercial Clubs in Juneau , Skagway , Petersburg , Wrangell , or Ketchikan that produced promotional literature for tourism and to attract industry to Southeast Alaska , each promoting their location . Sitka and Wrangell were the other two established locations in Southeast Alaska . Sitka functioned at the capital of Russia American until the acquisition of the Alaskan territory by the United States and Wrangell was ruled by the Tlingit , the British ( Hudson Bay Company ), the Russians , and finally , the United States . Ketchikan