The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 4, Spring 2021 | Page 25

The Skagway Commercial Club
The Saber and Scroll Journal • Volume 9 , Number 4 • Spring 2021

The Skagway Commercial Club

Jennifer L . Williams American Public University
The Skagway Commercial Club was formed as a community effort to promote Skagway , Alaska as a travel destination in early 20 th century . Using period newspapers and publications , corporate and individual promotional literature , and relevant secondary sources , the article discusses the efforts of the Skagway Commercial Club to promote Skagway as a tourism destination in the first three decades of the twentieth century and evaluates its effectiveness of the Commercial Club in relation to outside advertisements such as cruise ship literature and shop brochures published by individual business owners . While the Club did try to actively promote Skagway during its first two or three years in existence , its efforts were minor compared to the individual efforts by business owners to advertise and promote their own businesses .
Keywords : The Daily Alaskan ( newspaper ), Martin Itjen , Herman D . Kirmse , Klondike Gold Rush , Skagway Alaska , Skagway Commercial Club , Southeast Alaska , Tourism , White Pass & Yukon Railroad
El Skagway Commercial Club
El Skagway Commercial Club se formó como un esfuerzo comunitario para promover Skagway , Alaska , como destino turístico a principios del siglo XX . Utilizando periódicos y publicaciones de época , literatura promocional corporativa e individual , y fuentes secundarias relevantes , el artículo analiza los esfuerzos del Skagway Commercial Club para promover Skagway como un destino turístico en las primeras tres décadas del siglo XX y evalúa su efectividad Club en relación con anuncios externos , como literatura de cruceros y folletos de tiendas publicados por propietarios de negocios individuales . Si bien el Club trató de promover activamente Skagway durante sus primeros dos o tres años de existencia , sus esfuerzos fueron menores en comparación con los esfuerzos indidoi : 10.18278 / sshj . 9.4.3