The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 1, Summer (June) 2020 | Page 19

and Scroll 要 费尼莫尔 · 库珀作品视角 斯 · 费尼莫尔 · 库珀作品视斯 · 费尼莫尔 · 库珀的作品 , 和 “ 支配奴隶的美国防御 ”, 种方式代表费尼莫尔对奴隶制 18 世纪末和 19 世纪时期美国人州的美国人。 ans,Herkimers, 詹姆斯 · 费通婚 , 种族混合 , 民主国家 ugees were presented with opportunities of freedom and land in exchange for labor. Palatine refugees were sent to New York by Queen Anne, who negotiated their terms of servitude with then-Governor Hunter; the Palatines were to live in the Hudson Valley on the land of Robert Livingston to produce tar pitch out of local pine trees for the Royal British Navy. As a result of this unique, collective experience, Palatine refugees—some of whom later became slave owners—viewed slavery differently than much of the American public. James Fenimore Cooper believed in the principles of abolitionism. However, Cooper did not view slavery as a national crime, as many hardline abolitionists did. Cooper thought that slavery would die a natural death in due course. 1 Thus, Cooper was content to explain the moral and ethical evils of the institution of slavery, while predicting that its demise was imminent. 2