The Saber and Scroll Journal Volume 9, Number 1, Summer (June) 2020 | Page 18

The Saber 纽约州奴隶制 : 透过詹姆斯 · 摘要 在《纽约州奴隶制 : 透过詹姆角》一文中 , 我提出分析詹姆包括 The Wept of Wish-ton-Wish 分析这些作品及其他作品以何和黑人社群所持的态度 , 以及的态度 , 尤其是那些居住在纽约 关键词 : 奴隶制 ,Palatine Germ 尼莫尔 · 库珀 , 废奴主义 , 异族 Slavery has taken many forms in different parts of the world throughout history. In 1619, the first African arrived in the colonies—in Virginia, specifically. The spread of slavery—particularly the race-based slavery that became a divisive institution in the nineteenth century—was not inevitable. Early American colonists used various forms of free labor, including the subjugation of Native Americans and the prolific use of indentured servitude. In the central New York region, the setting of much of Cooper’s writings, there was an influx of indentured servants during the early eighteenth century. Palatine Germans fled their homes in the southern Palatinate region of Germany for a variety of reasons: floods, famine, religious persecution, the ongoing wars of Louis XIV of France, and the circulation of pamphlets promoting opportunities in North America. Unlike black slaves, who were introduced to the colonies forcefully, German ref- 6