The Royal Apollonia in house magazine (issue 3, summer 2017) (issue 3, summer 2017) | Page 35

Music, Dance and Wine: The Wine Festival of Limassol Besides the multitude of religious traditions and customs that have their roots in the Greek Orthodoxy, Cyprus has a variety of traditions that are strongly related to music, dancing and wine. So, besides celebrations like Christ- mas or Easter, one of the most impor- tant Cypriot traditions is the Wine Fes- tival of Limassol. There are many other festivals as well. The festival takes place every year in September, when locals in traditional costumes, as well as travellers, can enjoy ten days of music, dancing and free-flowing wine. Ten Days of Colourful Parties: The Limassol Carnival Festival The wine festival is only one of the important Cypriot events hosted by Limassol. Known as one of the most notable carnival events, the Limassol Carnival Festival is an annual event that takes place 12 days before the Christian season of Lent, on Sunday before Ash Monday. Even though it now is an entertain- ing event, according to the Cypriot beliefs, this is an old custom traced to pagan rituals. They say the tradition began as an ancient Greek festival in honour of Dionysus, the god of wine. In present, the Limassol Carnival Festival is represented by 10 days of wearing colourful costumes, singing, dancing, eating and drinking. It is also seen as the chance for people to express hope and faith towards having a good year. An Abundance of Beer Events: The Limassol Beer Festival Even though local people believe that wine is their national drink, trav- ellers who visit Limassol during sum- mer can enjoy the Limassol Beer Festi- val, another celebration that became a fantastic national holiday. The festival normally lasts for three days which is full of singing, dancing, and of course, a variety of interesting beer events. Though Cypriots are famous for their delicious wine, their breweries also be- came well-known and beer is now ex- ported in many corners of the world. ■ T H E R O YA L A P O L L O N I A M A G A Z IN E • 2017 summer edition 35