In Regards to Mr. Jim Ellis...
“Jim Ellis has been the smile needed on a gloomy day, the support and backbone sought
during troubling times, the wisdom evoked to steer the ship from the harbor to the open
sea and the champion enthusiastically celebrating the success Ralston Valley has experienced during his tenure as principal. Beyond these metaphors, Jim is a great man
who does not hesitate to show everyone at RV they are appreciated, valued and trusted.
Ralston Valley is a better place because of him and his leadership. We were lucky and
blessed to have had him at the helm.”
Mr. Tom Grau
“We are going to miss him im(English Teacher)
mensly; his leadership has fostered
an enviorment that is a great place
to teach and a wonderful place for
students to learn.”
“When Jim first came to Ralston
Mr. Steve Annest
Valley, he stood in front of the
(Science Teacher)
staff and told us one of his goals.
To be the first “Excellent Rated”
high school in the district north of
I-70. He didn’t say it forcefully,
he didn’t say it and then give us
15 different directives we had to
do to achieve it. He just said it.
He then did what Jim does best.
Listens, advises, questions, and
guides. By the end of that year,
we had achieved that goal. Yes, it
was through the hard work of the
staff, students and community, but
with Jim’s leadership style, it was
possible. He is always willing to
hear suggestions, and he’s willing
to tell what sometimes are the hard
truths. He has been a wonderful
leader to work with.”
Mrs. Barb Schrader
(Social Studies Teacher)
“Simply said, Jim Ellis is the real
deal. As good as he is as a principal, he is a better person. He treats
people with respect, is a man of
character, and has a deep sense of
personal responsibility.”
Mr. Mark Litzau
(Instructional Coach)
“Jim Ellis has always supported
the world language department
and teachers in general. He facilitated the growth of our program
and encouraged team work within
our department and we will miss
him! Que te diviertas en tu retiro.
Danke et adieu!”
Sra. Barb Vits
(Spanish Teacher)