The RenewaNation Review 2024 VOL. 16 NO. 2 | Page 46

Take Your Child on a Musical Journey THROUGH THE BIBLE


A s society grows louder and more confusing , our children can struggle to know what narratives to lean into . It ’ s increasingly important to equip our kids to understand and stand firm in truth . Hebrews 2:1 encourages us to “ pay much closer attention to what we have heard , lest we drift away from it .” How can we help our kids internalize God ’ s Word and identify what is and is not from Him ?

God wired our children ’ s brains to memorize in powerful ways , including through music . We can help our kids learn , understand , remember , and take to heart God ’ s Word by inviting them on a musical journey through the Bible .
God laid this journey on our hearts when we gathered an orchestra to record our first album , Hidden In My Heart : A Lullaby Journey Through Scripture . We didn ’ t only want to help families memorize Scripture . Instead , as they hide God ’ s Word in their hearts , we also want them to experience His peace profoundly . As our children hear His living and active Word set to soul-stirring melodies , they draw near to Jesus , the Word of Life , who came to rescue them .
BEGIN WITH BE STILL Often , when God wants to teach us something , He first calls us to stillness . Psalm 46:10 says , “ Be still , and know that I am God .” In the original Hebrew , be still communicates a hard stop — it means to refrain or cease . This is a powerful practice we can walk through with our children . While the enemy uses busyness and distractions to keep us from spiritual formation , God calls us to the quiet place where we can hear His voice . Be still is the opening invitation on our musical journey , preparing our hearts for each step ahead .
Be still my soul Be still and know that He is God Rest quietly Rest in His loving arms for He is watching over you Ever faithful , ever true So be still my soul Be still and know that He is God
-Be Still And Know from Hidden In My Heart , Volume I