The RenewaNation Review 2024 VOL. 16 NO. 2 | Page 37

EXAMPLES OF INCOMPLETE WORLDVIEW THINKING We reap what we sow . A biblical worldview that gets many things correct but still sows the seeds of progressivism will eventually lead to a weak and heretical form of Christianity . This drift has happened many times throughout church history . How many more denominations , schools , churches , and families must we lose ?
Consider three examples of how Christians think in bits and pieces , producing a sub-Christian understanding of life and paving the way to unbelief . First , consider the question of the relationship between religion and the state . As a Baptist , I wholly oppose a state-sponsored church , but I also oppose the idea of a secular state . Separation of church and state must not result in the separation of God and state .
For those who reject God , the state becomes the highest authority in life . It becomes a person ’ s de facto god . There will always be a god of any system . As we survey the threat of an ever-growing state , which in many quarters is becoming more and more hostile to Christianity , the church has a choice to make . Will it lean into the Christian tradition that has given the blessings of human rights , limited government , and the rule of law , or will it reinforce the lie that the state is its own authority ?
The Bible declares the state does not own everything ( Matt . 22:21 ), it is under God ’ s authority as His servant ( Rom . 13:4 ), and Christ is the head of all authority and the King of kings ( Matt . 28:18 , Rev . 19:16 ). In short , God has established the state and maintains the authority to tell it how to function . Moreover , He has spoken and preserved this instruction to men in Scripture . These ideas have transformed Christendom for the better for centuries . For the church to say it has nothing to say to the state is to ignore Scripture and our history .
Second , consider how quickly woke ideas like social justice infiltrated the church . In its right desire for justice , the church embraced the unjust worldview of critical theory . Some went as far as to affirm that critical theory could be used as an “ analytical tool .” The problem is that critical theory as an analytical tool is a worldview openly hostile to Christianity . All of a sudden , in the name of “ justice ,” many of our sermons parroted the talking points you ’ d find in a God-hating ,

Christians have ignored education for too long , and the last several years have pulled back the veil , exposing public education as anything but neutral . woke university classroom . Why ? Because Christian leaders were thinking in bits and pieces instead of totals . A rival belief system will always get something right , but that doesn ’ t mean we should embrace it . Rather , Christians are called to take every thought captive and to annihilate every system that raises itself in opposition to Christ ( 2 Cor . 10:5 ).

Third , Christians have ignored education for too long , and the last several years have pulled back the veil , exposing public education as anything but neutral . Unbelievers recognize the importance of education by which current and future generations of children are evangelized and enlisted in their godless religion . For too long , Christians have bought into the lie that education can be done with neutrality and without reference to God . But education is discipleship . To be a disciple is to be a student . Any education rooted in indifference toward or denial of God is not neutral . All wisdom and knowledge begin with the fear of the Lord ( Prov . 1:7 ). Apart from Him , we get to a place where we can ’ t define what a woman is , and we begin to think that mathematics is