The RenewaNation Review 2024 VOL. 16 NO. 2 | Page 36

The Necessity of a



P erhaps the biggest Achilles heel of evangelicalism is the lack of a robust biblical worldview . This is true for many Christians , from the pulpit to the pews , and it isn ’ t a new problem . Francis Schaeffer ’ s words ring true : “ The basic problem of the Christians in this country in the last eighty years or so . . . is that they have seen things in bits and pieces instead of totals .” 1 Christians are not good at looking at the big picture with a biblical worldview . Schaeffer documented his observation in 1981 , which has only worsened since then .

Those cracking the whips of the chariot of secularism have ravaged our country , and part of their success is that they did see the big picture . Secularism claims lordship over all of life and disciples the next generation in its dogmas through public education . Our inability to think with a broader scope has allowed secularists to outmaneuver us again and again . Christians spend so much time putting out fires that we never get around to playing offense .
Nancy Pearcey identifies the problem as the Secular / Sacred Divide . 2 What is this divide ? It is the tactic secularists use to exile religion , especially Christianity , to the private realm of life . Secularists assert there are secular and sacred areas of life . The sacred area where religion is allowed ( for now ) is the private realm . The public realm is to be free from religion . Christians have unwittingly adopted this dichotomy . For many believers , the faith has shrunk to only private spiritual disciplines . The problem is that such a miniature religion is not found in Scripture . All of the world is under the lordship of Christ ( Col . 1:15-20 ).
We need to reclaim a robust biblical worldview to free us from these secular chains . Christians must examine every facet of life through the lens of Christ ’ s lordship because He currently rules over everything ( Eph . 1:21-22 ).
As secularism decays and spins out of control , there has been a renewed interest in the biblical worldview . People are searching for a comprehensive way of life , but the problem is that many sub-Christian ideas have infiltrated the faith . The biblical worldview does not merely talk about all spheres of life ; it defines all of life . Plenty of Christians talk about the world but sound eerily like the world . Christians must think , speak , and act distinctively as Christians throughout all of life .