The RenewaNation Review 2024 VOL. 16 NO. 2 | Page 34


Affirm and Celebrate



M artin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the church at Wittenberg , Germany , on October 31 , 1517 . The monk and theology professor was attempting to hold the Catholic Church accountable for abusive practices and to correct erroneous teachings . Having found peace with God after diligently studying the Scriptures on his own , he now understood that salvation is God ’ s gift to all who trust Christ for forgiveness and eternal life . The Roman Church , however , wasn ’ t faithfully proclaiming this truth . Instead , it was creating barriers that made Church leaders rich and powerful and that actually kept people from finding God . Many gave to the Church because they had been taught their gifts would release the souls of their deceased loved ones from purgatory . The Church also taught that gifts were means by which forgiveness for sins could be obtained . Such gifts were called indulgences .

Martin Luther ’ s list of concerns spread throughout Luther ’ s home country within a scant two weeks . 1 The printing press , 2 a fairly new invention , made this possible . By the end of 1517 , all of Europe had access to Luther ’ s list in pamphlet form . 3
Within a few years , the Protestant Reformation became a widespread movement . 4 Angry Church leaders summoned Luther to a hearing , called a “ Diet ,” in the town of Worms ( pronounced “ Verms ”), Germany , in April 1521 . There they asked him to recant his assertions about the Church and the
Scriptures . He knew his life was at stake in these proceedings , even though his safety had been guaranteed . One hundred years before , John Huss , 5 also a spiritual leader , had attempted to address similar concerns in the Church and had been burned at the stake . 6 He ’ d been promised safety , too .
Ultimately , Luther stood strong . He is credited with saying , “ Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures or by clear reason ( for I do not trust either in the pope or in [ Church ] councils alone , since it is well-known that they have often erred and contradicted themselves ), I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God . I cannot and I will not retract anything , since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience . God help me . Amen . Here I stand , I cannot do otherwise .” 7
God protected Martin Luther , and he was able to continue pushing back against abuses and false teachings . Though quite imperfect ( just like the rest of us ), Luther was used by God to bring spiritual renewal to Germany and beyond . We benefit even today from his ministry and work .

Though quite imperfect ( just like the rest of us ), Luther was used by God to bring spiritual renewal to Germany and beyond . We benefit even today from his ministry and work .