The RenewaNation Review 2024 VOL. 16 NO. 2 | Page 33

Starting a Christian School Shouldn ’ t Be Confusing .

It can be hard to know where to start when beginning a Christian school . Christian School Launch removes the guesswork with experts to facilitate your every step :
Dedicated Coaches Experienced school administrators guide you through facility choice , marketing , curriculum choice , donor development and more .
Countdown Schedule Take much of the “ anxiety ” out of launching God ’ s school with a customized plan to fit your targeted timeline .
Step-by-Step Modules You gain access to the RenewaNation extensive training system , coordinated with your professional coaching plan .

Let ’ s get started !

renewanation . org / launch
Completed year two with a beautiful school body of sixty-three students ( forty-eight families ) who attended sixteen different churches in our area . Rejoiced with our excellent , hard-working staff who love the Lord . Completed our immersion in a biblical worldview curriculum . Conducted joy-filled , weekly chapels led by local ministers . Carried out two amazing and successful fundraisers suggested by our RenewaNation coach . Participated in community service projects from helping in a local retirement center to picking up trash in our neighborhoods and several other service projects as we train children to serve as Christ served while on earth . Raised funds and provided financial assistance to LCA families , as well as assistance with the Nevada Opportunity Scholarship Fund .
Sara shared her appreciation for the work of RenewaNation , saying , “ This provision is no doubt a reflection of God ’ s goodness ! Thank you , RenewaNation , for all of your prayers and support to carry out God ’ s plan for the lives of these children as we continue in this mission to partner with families as they raise their children to live out their Christian faith by understanding the world through the lens of scripture and the love of Jesus !” ( Sara Choat , Head of School , Legacy
Christian School ) She and Larry had a lot more to say , and their passion is a great example of what the Lord is doing for others who make an “ all-in ” commitment to sacrifice and work hard to launch a Christian school in communities around America . Every person in every Christian school ministry is making an eternal difference . As partners in God ’ s kingdom work , we share the joy Paul expressed in Philippians 4:3-6 , “ I thank my
God every time I remember you . In all my prayers for all of you , I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now , being confident of this , that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus .”
Al Gainey is a leader in RenewaNation ’ s Christian School Launch program . He holds a Master ’ s Degree in Business from Brenau University and has been involved with Christian schools for thirty years , including launching and being selected as the first head of school of Lanier Christian Academy . Having owned several businesses , he currently owns a background screening business , PeopleCheck , Inc . Al and his wife , Ann , live in Gainesville , Georgia , and are blessed with two adult children and two grandchildren .