The RenewaNation Review 2023-2024 The Collingsworth Family Special Edition | Page 29

Dawson & Olivia

You are still newlyweds at the time of this writing . What have been some of the joys and challenges of marriage so far ?
DAWSON : The joys of marriage definitely outweigh the challenges . It has been an absolute joy to be with my best friend each day and to support one another in all things , especially spiritually . Olivia and I have many shared passions , interests , and humor , so it has been a lot of fun . I have also enjoyed building our future together and working to ensure Christ is at the center of our marriage . Regarding the challenges of marriage so far , I have seen the obstacles in bringing two distinct lives together . Differences in our personal preferences , traditions , and how to ‘ correctly ’ do daily things have been humbling lessons to work through . Although we are coming from two different past lives , we are so excited to be together , and I will always happily take on any challenges to be with my beautiful bride !
Wedding dress by : Renee ’ s Bridal Mt . Sterling , Kentucky
OLIVIA : At the time I ’ m writing this , we have been married a little over five months . Someone asked us the other day when we would stop acting like newlyweds , and I said , “ I hope never !” This season of starting a new life with Dawson has been some of the best days of my 24 years of life . I absolutely love being married to my best friend and spending every day together . But as Dawson said , there are definitely challenges to bringing two different lives together and becoming one flesh . Even some silly ones like “ Honey , why do you leave your socks on the bathroom counter ?” I won ’ t disclose who asked whom that ( LOL ). But in the end , the joys always outweigh the challenges ! I ’ m also so thankful that Dawson ’ s job in Northern Virginia allows him to work remotely and travel with me while I ’ m on tour with the CFam . The Lord has blessed us immensely , and I have no complaints ! Marriage is the BEST ! ■