photographer : Jake Harsh
Kim : It Is Well with My Soul by Horatio G . Spafford
I have several hymns that could fall into this category , but this would be one of my favorite hymns . I love this hymn first and foremost because the writer wasn ’ t just using his craft and gifting to pen a brilliant lyric ; he wrote from a heart that had been broken with the loss of his wife and several children . He deeply understood what he was writing about . In the midst of his pain and grief , he penned the words , “ Whatever my lot , Thou hast taught me to say , It is well , it is well with my soul .” This lyric speaks so clearly of the grace and peace of God that flows through our lives even in the midst of our darkest night . Spafford wasn ’ t just writing this lyric ; he was living this lyric . For decades this hymn has brought peace and hope to countless Christ-followers , including me . Nothing thrills or blesses my heart any more than to hear an audience sing this hymn with conviction and passion . This hymn is a treasure !
Phil : Arise , My Soul , Arise by Charles Wesley
Written by my all-time favorite hymn writer , Charles Wesley packs more doctrine per square inch into his lyrics than any hymn lyricist I know . Maybe that was because he listened to his brother preach so much ( Rev . John Wesley , founder of Methodism ). His mother , Susanna Wesley , was well-known for her astute teaching of her children , and obviously , she succeeded well with John and Charles .
In this hymn , Wesley portrays extremely well the doctrine of the blood of Christ and its efficacy for the redemption of our souls . His crafting and use of words from that time period ’ s best English phrases are nothing less than genius and heaven-inspired .
Five bleeding wounds he bears , received on Calvary ; they pour effectual prayers , they strongly plead for me . “ Forgive him , O forgive ,” they cry , “ forgive him , O forgive ,” they cry , “ nor let that ransomed sinner die !”
Who would have ever thought of picturing the blood pouring forth from our Savior ’ s wounds as crying out effective prayers , begging for mercy for sinners ? Charles Wesley did , and he had so honed his craft of hymn writing by the time he put pen to paper on , in my estimation , the greatest hymn of all time : Arise , My Soul , Arise !
By The Collingsworth Family