the protection of any individual ’ s unalienable right to life ? And why would any culture ever think that after decades of diminishing the value of marital fidelity that the same culture would then be able to mount a vigorous defense for the meaning of marriage and morality , or anything else for that matter ?
This list could go on and on . The evidence is clear . All you need to do is Google the daily news to see the proof . When you have schools that revel in separating fact from the faith , head from heart , belief from behavior , and religion from reason , the result will never be liberty . It will always be licentiousness .
Severing things that should be united has a very predictable result . “ Removing the organ while demanding the function ” gives us “ men without chests ,” an electorate of those who have nothing but a gaping cavity in the center of their being ; a callousness of mind ; an emptiness of conscience ; vacuity where there should be virtue . As the wisdom of Solomon tells , cutting babies in half always results in dead babies .
Ours is a day of delusion . We destroy ourselves by our dishonesty . We boast of freedom and yet live in bondage to deception . We champion human rights , yet we ignore the rights promised to us by reason , revelation , and our own Constitution . We march for women while denying that women are even real .
We claim to stand for the dignity of children but remain silent while their dignity is mocked in the ivory tower ’ s grisly game of sexual nihilism . We are what M . Scott Peck called “ people of the lie .” The road to hell is before us , and we enter its gates strutting with the confidence of an emperor with no clothes . And , when we are challenged , we belittle the “ incredulous rubes ” and the “ deplorables ” who dared shout out of our nakedness .
Santayana once said that those who don ’ t learn from history are doomed to repeat it . Well , here is one irrefutable lesson of the past : Ideas always have consequences . Education matters . It will always lead somewhere . Our schools will either take us toward the liberty found in that which is right and just and true and real or toward the slavery made of our own dysfunction and lies .
Why are we in this mess ? It is because of our local schools , colleges , and universities . When you relentlessly work to remove the next generation ’ s soul , you should not expect your culture to stay out of hell . ■
Dr . Everett Piper , former president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University , is a columnist for The Washington Times and author of Not A Day Care : The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth . Connect with Dr . Piper on his website at DrEverettPiper . com and Twitter at @ dreverettpiper .
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