“ All your life long you are slowly turning . . . either into a heavenly creature or into a hellish creature : either into a creature that is in harmony with God , and with other creatures , and with itself , or else into one that is in a state of war and hatred with God , and with its fellow creatures , and with itself .
To be the one kind of creature is heaven : that is , it is joy and peace and knowledge and power . To be the other means madness , horror , idiocy , and rage . . . . Each of us at each moment is progressing to the one state or the other .”
C . S . Lewis , Mere Christianity
How Modern Education Has Destroyed the Next Generation ’ s Soul
By Dr . Everett Piper
Students are taught self-esteem and sexual promiscuity more effectively than science and civics
Hardly a day goes by that you don ’ t hear the question : “ How did we get in this mess ?” Where did this lunacy come from , and how did it all happen so quickly ? Well , let ’ s play a game . Let ’ s play
“ imagine .”
Imagine that we live in a day where we intentionally sever a man ’ s arm from his body and then expect him to win a fight .
Imagine that we live in a country where it ’ s common practice to remove a woman ’ s eyes from her head and then ask her to paint her portrait .
Imagine that ours is a time where we surgically alter a child ’ s frontal lobe and then demand he explain an algebraic formula .
Imagine that we live in such a world ; a world where , as C . S . Lewis warned , the elite among us claim it makes sense to “ remove the organ and demand the function ;” a time and a place where we “ geld the stallion ” and then “ bid him be fruitful .”
Just imagine . As John Lennon said ,
“ It ’ s easy if you try .” How did we get in this mess ? One answer : As Richard Weaver said , “ Ideas have consequences .” Education matters . Why would we expect decades of teaching sexual promiscuity in our schools to result in sexual restraint in our students ? Why are we surprised at the selfishness of our culture when we have immersed several generations of our children in a curriculum that teaches self-esteem more effectively than it does science and civics ? How can we possibly think that teaching values clarification rather than moral absolutes will result in virtuous people ?
Where is there any evidence in all of human history that the subordination of a child ’ s right to be born to an adult ’ s right to choose ever resulted in